Post #9: A food blogger & a food enthusiast

Today, I spoke to two people: a chef/food blogger and a health food enthusiast.  Prior to speaking to them I made a list of questions to ask them that I was curious about, which would further improve my research project. Some of the questions that I wrote down were:
1. What are the health benefits of almonds that you know about?
2. How have you incorporated them into your cooking?
3. How have you seen them prepared outside?
4. Is almond milk and almond butter just a health fad?
5. Is almond milk really healthy? Is it really a better alternative to milk?
6. Do you know any interesting facts and information on almonds and their history that surprised you?

After asking them those questions, I was able to learn many new and interesting things! The chef/food blogger told me that “Eating a handful of almonds a day helps to improve your memory, so this will help you with all your tests!” This was some thing that I personally did not know, and to be honest, if this helps me to do better on my tests, why not! I will definitely be doing more research on this new found information that I have found.

The health food enthusiasts told me “Did you know that almonds are actually fruits that are related to peaches, plums, and cherries?” All this time, I used to think that almonds were part of the nut family! For some reason every one tends to put almonds with the nut family without even knowing that it is actually a fruit, so I definitely would love to highlight this in my project.

Of course, like almost everyone here at Chapman, I want to know what types of healthy food can help with keeping me healthy and help me to lose weight. So when the health food enthusiast told me that “Almond’s actually have healthy fats that will help you to lose weight.” I was definitely convinced already to join the bandwagon. Before learning about almonds through all my research, and learning more interesting facts through these two people, I have become a person who occasionally eat almonds, to a die hard almond eater. I also learned that almonds are actually a superfood, which is why drinking unsweetened almond milk is supposed to help with a faster weight loss process.

This is another topic that I will want to further explore with my research to find out whether almond milk is really better than normal milk, which I personally find tastes a lot better than unsweetened almond milk.

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