Post #6: Food Vocabulary

1. Procure
To obtain something, especially after an effort
Ex. “If some people grew and procured food, others could spend time doing other things, among them writing and sculpting.

2. Organic Food
Food that is grown in a manner that doesn’t harm the environment and preserves or improves soil fertility, soil structure, and farm sustainability, which is free from harmful chemicals (ex. pesticides)
Ex. “Though I believe locally produced organic food is probably healthiest and most sustainable for the people who eat and grow it—and for the planet—I don’t maintain a vegetable garden, nor do I make a concerted effort to purchase only foods that fit into the “local, organic” category.

3. Sustainability
Causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time.

Ex. “Reinvest in research geared toward leading a global movement in sustainable agriculture, combining technology and tradition to create a new and meaningful Green Revolution.
4. Subsidies
Money given as part of the cost of something, to help or encourage it to happen.

Ex. “Begin subsidies to those who produce and sell actual food for direct consumption.

5. Animal Husbandry
The farming of animals to produce foods such as meat, eggs and milk.
Ex. “Outlaw concentrated animal feeding operations and encourage the development of sustainable animal husbandry.

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